After all, they provide us with essential vitamins and minerals, phytochemicals with antioxidant properties, and fiber that keeps us full and simultaneously feeds our healthy gut bacteria—which, in turn, helps support our immune system, digestion, and mental health.* But of all the choices out there, from asparagus to zucchini and everything in between, which vegetables pack the most powerful punch for overall health? Here, a list of the vegetables that reign supreme, plus what qualities make a vegetable extra healthy in the first place. Each one of their picks supports immune function, detoxification, and more.* Dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, arugula, mustard greens, and Swiss chard are packed with a variety of antioxidants, including carotenoids, which have been shown to protect against free-radical damage.* Of course, you can’t go wrong with any dark leafy green, but Cording’s absolute favorites from a nutrient-packed perspective are kale and spinach. “Just one serving of spinach provides more than half of your vitamin A needs, and it’s also a good source of vitamin K, folate, magnesium, and the antioxidants beta-carotene and lutein,” says Cording. “It also provides fiber and even 3 grams of protein per serving.” Kale offers much of the same leafy green goodness as spinach—“lots of vitamins A, C, and K; plus B-vitamins, potassium, calcium, copper, and more,” says Cording. “It’s also noted for its antioxidant properties and has been studied for its beneficial impact on heart health, blood pressure, and blood sugar.” Pro tip: Cooking kale and spinach is a great way to enhance the bioavailability of its bone-strengthening calcium. Try it: There are so many ways to enjoy dark leafy greens— like Ina Garten’s kale & broccoli caesar salad. This healthy spinach artichoke dip is also a great choice. Cruciferous veggies contain sulfur-containing phytochemicals called glucosinolates (and their byproduct sulforaphane). These sulfur-containing compounds support immune function and normal inflammatory processes and help the body remove toxins through natural detoxification processes of the liver.* Research supports that intake of cruciferous vegetables is protective, with one study showing that a drink made with broccoli sprouts activated enzymes in the body that picked up pollutants from the bloodstream and flushed them out via urine.* Virgin loves broccoli, too, because it contains lots of vitamins C and K and minerals like potassium and manganese, which together make broccoli a potent food for supporting bone and heart health and improving overall immune function.* Try it: Consider this crisp sesame-ginger broccoli recipe or blend them into a smoothie for added nutrients.* In addition to helping us ward off adverse health conditions, Brussels sprouts are chock-full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.* They’re particularly high in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as potassium and folate, which makes them a great pick for supporting overall immune function and blood and bone health.* Not only do their antioxidants play a pivotal role in keeping you healthy, but Brussels sprouts provide 3 grams of fiber per 1 cup serving, which can help you feel more satiated after a meal.* Try it: This simple but delicious recipe for Brussels sprouts with bacon will leave you craving even more cruciferous veggies. For example, it’s a great source of iodine, which helps maintain healthy thyroid hormone levels.* Just be mindful not to overdo it, advises Cording, because too much iodine can actually have a negative effect on thyroid health. It’s all about balance! Chlorella is a powerful chelator, which means it can bind to and remove heavy metals and other toxins that might otherwise tax your liver.* One older lab study showed that it absorbed 40% of the heavy metals in a test solution within seven days, while human studies2 show that it supports the removal of toxins like mercury from the body.* Try it: The easiest way to incorporate sea veggies into your diet may be the powdered form, like mindbodygreen’s organic veggies+, which can be stirred into soups and smoothies. If you can find fresh sea asparagus, this chickpea and samphire salad is a perfect introductory sea veggie dish.  In fact, asparagus is one of the few dietary sources of glutathione, an antioxidant concentrated in the liver that helps bind toxins and escort them out of the body via urine or bile. Sufficient levels of glutathione in the body also help maintain energy, reduce muscle pain, improve sleep quality, and boost immune function. Try it: This brain-supporting pasta dish is a great option. In addition to being a good source of vitamin C and fiber, red cabbage contains anthocyanins. “These pigments are powerful antioxidants,” says Cording. Anthocyanins4, a type of flavonoid antioxidant, are found in many foods and plants that appear dark red, purple, or blue in color. They support normal inflammatory processes in the body and have been shown to promote heart and brain health, likely due to their ability to combat oxidative stress. Research5 has shown that anthocyanins help enhance memory and cognition as well as lowering cholesterol6. Virgin loves cabbage because it’s also “rich in naturally detoxifying sulfur,” because it’s part of the cruciferous vegetable family. Try it: This antioxidant-packed cabbage and pomegranate salad is a delicious way to detox after a period of overindulgence. Butternut squash7 is a great source of magnesium and potassium, which makes it a top choice for maintaining healthy blood pressure, blood sugar, and a stable mood. This hearty fall favorite also makes the cut because “it contains a hefty dose of beta-carotene (a precursor to vitamin A) to support immune function and possibly reduce disease risk,” says Virgin. Research shows8 that beta-carotene, an antioxidant plant pigment, can literally give your skin a natural glow and protect against damaging UV rays9 (but don’t skip the sunscreen!). Try it: This RD’s soothing butternut squash soup is packed with antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and beta-carotene for an added micronutrient boost. Or go for our healthy spin on a root veggie and fig farro salad. Garlic—along with onion, leeks, chives, and scallions—is part of the allium vegetable family, known for its health-boosting organosulfur compounds10, including allicin and diallyl sulfides. These compounds are largely credited for garlic’s ability to help reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol11, lower oxidative stress12, and help support heart health13. Garlic also has antimicrobial properties, making it a potent cold- and flu-fighter14, and it’s been shown to increase our body’s supply of glutathione, a natural detoxifier. Try it: This plant-based “chorizo” chili recipe is the perfect way to reap garlic’s immune-boosting perks. Virgin loves them, too, in part because they’re a rich source of quercetin, a flavonoid antioxidant that’s also a natural antihistamine. Antihistamines15 are commonly used to treat allergies, so red onions are a worthy salad ingredient for anyone suffering from hay fever. Bonus: Heating onions16 doesn’t seem to lower their quercetin content. Try it: This zingy side salad contains raw red onion and tastes like summer in a bowl. “Chili peppers contain capsaicin17, a compound that has been shown to have many health benefits, such as mild metabolic rate increase, lowering blood pressure, and even protecting against some adverse health conditions,” says Cording. If you’re looking to control cravings and portions, consider adding a sprinkle of cayenne pepper, chili powder, or chopped-up chili peppers to your next omelet. In one older study18, participants who ate a breakfast that included a serving of capsaicin-containing red-pepper powder were less likely to snack or even feel hungry before lunchtime. Capsaicin also has potent antioxidant properties, and some lab studies19 have shown that it has the ability to kill prostate cancer cells. Try it: There are big flavors all around in this Caribbean-inspired chickpeas with cilantro and coconut recipe, featuring two chopped red chili peppers. One way to ensure you’re getting a decent amount of antioxidants is by opting for deeply hued picks. Think dark green, bright orange and red, deep purple. Organic vegetables have also been shown to contain, on average, 20 to 40% more antioxidants20 than their conventionally grown counterparts—so if you can, opt for organic.  All veggies lose nutrients over time, too, so it’s important to eat them while they’re fresh. Buying locally grown vegetables from a farmers market or food co-op is great for this reason but not essential. Next time you sit down for a meal planning session, keep this list close at hand. And if you prefer to bolster your vegetable intake with a supplement, check out our greens powder roundup. Editor’s Note: This article was originally published on January 23, 2019. A previous version of this article indicated that kale and spinach can help prevent certain diseases. We have since clarified that statement to show that leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, contain antioxidants that can protect against free-radical damage.

10 Healthiest Vegetables  According To Experts - 1610 Healthiest Vegetables  According To Experts - 8310 Healthiest Vegetables  According To Experts - 1310 Healthiest Vegetables  According To Experts - 10