Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can keep your blood sugar in check, with your diet being essential in the long term for sustaining glucose levels. But can food immediately lower your blood sugar if you’re in the midst of a spike? Here’s what you need to know. There are ways you can make food less impactful on your glucose response, and by integrating helpful habits into your routine alongside a balanced diet, you can work to keep things regulated. “If your glucose levels are elevated from eating a particular carbohydrate, you can lower this by moving your body or by meditating,” functional nutritionist Dana James, M.S., CNS, CDN, explains. “You can also take apple cider vinegar before a meal to lower your glucose response.”  As opposed to simply eating a carb-heavy meal, try including a serving of protein on your plate for the sake of your blood sugar. “Adding animal protein to your meal will help mute the glucose response the most,” notes James. “For instance, adding chicken to a salad sandwich will produce a lower glucose response than just eating a salad sandwich. Similarly, adding wild salmon to a grain bowl will mute the grain bowl’s glycemic spike.” 

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