More than perhaps ever before, right now is a divine time for every person to buckle down, double their study of self, and connect to this inner feminine energy—otherwise known as the Divine Feminine. The world desperately needs more compassion, empathy, and warmth, which are the natural skills and intentions of archetypal femininity. This call doesn’t only go out to women, of course: Every person holds both feminine and masculine energies and qualities, and while women have been culturally indoctrinated to feel a deep and internalized connection with femininity, people of all genders have access to it. The Divine Feminine is the healing feminine force that connects people to Mother Nature, other people, and all energy sources. It is an interwoven essence that speaks to authentic power. Below are some rituals and journaling exercises specific to each chakra that can help people of all genders who are looking to more deeply connect with and harness their inner Divine Feminine. As you go through each activity, keep your focus on the unique feminine qualities you want to manifest. Ritual: Practice this mindfulness meditation to increase self-security: In a seated position, close your eyes and picture golden, braided roots growing from the base of your spine. Visualize these roots moving through the floor, into the ground, and connecting to the earth. Use this visual to feel rooted into the earth, safe and secure. Journal prompts: With its proximity to our sexual body parts, this is also the place where we experience deep desire and longing. Ritual: Paint, draw, dance, play, and exercise your creativity. Engage with your sexual side through foreplay with yourself or with a partner, watch an erotic film, or wear something enticing. These rituals increase creative energy, which strengths our feminine connection. Journal prompts: Ritual: Take time to define your personal code of conduct or ethics. Shift your lifestyle and daily routines to support these ethics. The Divine Feminine is supported when our ethics are in line with our values—the idea that we practice what we preach. Journal prompts: Ritual: Visualize a golden beam of light starting from the heart and growing larger until it encapsulates your whole body, the room in which you reside, and the community around you. This golden beam of light is the love your feminine side chooses to actively share. When we give love and practice Loving Kindness, we strengthen the Divine Feminine. Journal prompts: Ritual: Take up regular practices of singing, chanting, humming, and speaking, including words of positive affirmation directed to yourself. Learn the authentic sound of your voice and the natural noises the Divine Feminine within wants to express.   Journal prompts: Ritual: Internally rotate your eyes to the point between your eyebrows and practice a visualized breath where it feels as though you are inhaling and exhaling through the third eye’s center itself. This breathwork helps move energy in and out of the third eye, increasing intuition. Journal prompts: Ritual: Visualize your inner queen and Divine Feminine energy, which is commonly associated with the kindest and most authentic version of you. Envision yourself here. See yourself moving through your day and life from this higher vibration. Bring this Divine Feminine energy close. Journal prompts: After receiving a little bit of wifi while living in a mostly silent ashram in India, Erin received her acceptance letter to Columbia University. Organically after building her own successful spiritual coaching, retreat & wellness business she became a business coach. Erin works with purpose-driven and ambitious women in launching and scaling their heart-led business in alignment. Erin’s work has been featured in Healthline, SXSW, NBC, and TZR. Erin holds a Masters in Clinical Psychology & Education from Columbia University. She currently lives nomadically with her husband and is working on her first book. Message her on IG to connect @erinrdoppelt.

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