Here, get into the details, causes, how to tend to them naturally (it is possible), and easy prevention tips.  You may also hear them called “smile lines,” “marionette lines,” or the more technical “nasolabial folds,” says aesthetic registered nurse Neethi Masur, R.N. at SKINNEY MedSpa.  If you’re having trouble picturing this, go to the mirror and shoot yourself a big grin. The distinct lines that you see that appear like a stretched-out closed parenthesis? Those are your nasolabial folds.  So to start, there is the fact that many components of our skin structure decline with age. “As we age, we lose collagen, fat, and start to resorb bone. These changes lead to volume loss, thin, saggy skin. As a result, our nasolabial folds become more pronounced,” says Lolis.  It’s also important to note that these lines are exacerbated with movement, the same way crow’s feet can come from squinting and the “11’s” can come from scrunching your brow. “Laugh lines are formed by constant use of the orbicularis orbis muscle which allows us the ability to speak,” says Masur. “Over time as we age the skin protecting this muscle becomes stretched creating laxity increasing the appearance of these folds. The region around the mouth known as the peri-oral area is one of the thinnest-skinned on the face, making us more susceptible to fine lines or wrinkles forming the ’laugh lines.’” Then there’s the movement part: They are formed as the result of laughing, talking, and smiling. Imagine a life without those? No thanks—we’ll take a few extra folds. Our experts agree—the aim here isn’t “fixing” them, it’s simply softening their appearance as we get older.   “Laugh lines are inevitable and a natural part of the face, so they should never be completely diminished. When you look at babies, all of them have nasolabial folds. Instead we can try to prevent folds from deepening,” says Masur.  Proper sun protection—a la a mineral sunscreen—is your first line of defense, as UV damage significantly contributes to premature aging. “To help prevent or slow down their appearance, you need to first and foremost protect your skin from the sun. UV radiation can damage cells and breakdown collagen and elastin. Sunscreen is a must,” says Lolis.  Retinoids, in particular, are great for aging skin. Not only do they help slough off excess dead skin cells by encouraging turnover, but they can help build collagen by stimulating the fibroblasts1.  If you’re looking for a hydrating option, hyaluronic acid helps pull in water so your skin stays supple and smooth. “You can use products with hyaluronic acid in order to plump the skin,” says Hatfield.  You can also look for supplements that contain antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals and help manage oxidative stress. Free radicals actively break down collagen in our skin, so keeping them under control can help your skin long. term. Vitamin C and E are particularly helpful as they are not only great free-radical-fighters, but they are also necessary for healthy collagen synthesis.  For example, you can try face yoga, which involves simple targeted movements, poses, and stretches to strengthen your facial muscles for a tighter, more toned skin. And, much like you are mindful of rest and recovery, you should consider how you are holding your face when not actively engaging. “Avoiding unnecessary facial expressions is another method,” says Masur. “Of course live your life to the fullest, but if you are at home resting the muscles on your face helps, especially when throughout the day the mouth is in constant motion.”  This is especially true for side and stomach sleepers, as there is more contact: “Sleeping on your back versus your side is one method. Many patients come to me with one side of their face sagging/deeper folds than the other. Most of the time it is due to sleeping on that side,” says Masur.  Your skin is a reflection of your health, and if you give your body all it needs to function optimally, it will be better able to take care of itself in the long term.  “Platelet-rich fibrin is your own body’s stem cells, which are spun in a centrifuge forming a gelous substance that is injected into the folds,” says Masur.  Essentially, practitioners extract a few vials of blood in which the plasma is removed (when spun in the centrifuge). The plasma has many healing properties—in fact, it contains growth factors, which are in charge of recovery and inflammation. So when injected back into your skin, it encourages the skin to act more youthful, creating more collagen and elastin. 

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