But this loaded term is a complete misnomer. To me, ADHD is not strictly a negative. We need to recognize that those with the ADHD trait play a tremendously important role in our society as innovators, explorers, leaders and risk-takers. Of course, not everyone with the ADHD diagnosis possesses the same list of traits in equal abundance. But we need them now more than ever to shake things up and challenge the status quo. Here are my favorite reasons to celebrate ADHD: It’s hard to follow for most people, but makes perfect sense to those with ADHD. Although this mental agility can also translate into distraction, when managed appropriately it produces exceptional ideas that can change the shape of an industry. The ability to act quickly, without overthinking, enables entrepreneurs and business leaders to make swift decisions and seize opportunities they might otherwise have missed. One fascinating study shows that major league baseball players have twice the ADHD incidence of the general population. Athleticism helps to ameliorate the restlessness commonly associated with ADHD, allowing those who indulge their physical nature with sports to focus and perform better in many other areas of life.

No matter how many obstacles, disappointments and catastrophes we face, we possess an enduring optimism and ability to bounce back, time and again.

9 Positives Sides Of ADHD  From A Psychiatrist - 909 Positives Sides Of ADHD  From A Psychiatrist - 249 Positives Sides Of ADHD  From A Psychiatrist - 58