Here’s a quick primer on what the root chakra is, how to know it’s out of whack, and how to bring it back into balance. As naturopath and chakra healer Erica Matluck, N.D., writes on mindbodygreen, “Survival in the first seven years of life requires attachment to our primary caregivers, so healthy root chakra development is supported by caregivers who are responsive to our needs.” Just like a tree can’t grow without a solid foundation, you cannot thrive if your root chakra is out of whack. If this chakra is blocked or unbalanced, your other chakras—from the solar plexus to the crown—likely are as well. The root chakra is located at the base of spine, in your tailbone area. It is associated with the color red and corresponds to the Earth element. No surprise, since nurturing this chakra is all about grounding exercises that make you feel confident and secure on your own two feet. Practices like walking barefoot outdoors, doing foundational yoga poses like malasana (garland pose) or mountain pose, and any of the balancing exercises below can help you balance out your root chakra as needed. Start your day by saying this affirmation three times, out loud or to yourself. Or, write it down on a sticky note where you will see it often and remind yourself of your solid foundation.

9 Simple Ways to Balance Your Root Chakra  And Why You Need To  - 29 Simple Ways to Balance Your Root Chakra  And Why You Need To  - 289 Simple Ways to Balance Your Root Chakra  And Why You Need To  - 37