In fact, she identifies four oft-overlooked areas to focus on when it comes to easing anxiety—some of these you may recognize, especially if you consider yourself an avid mbg reader, but we’ll bet one tip will have you raising a brow. Find Beurkens’ nonnegotiable habits, below:  “One of my big hero foods is pumpkin seeds,” she says. “They’re a real powerhouse in terms of brain function.” Specifically, they’re chock-full of magnesium—according to research, a deficiency in magnesium can kick-start the sympathetic nervous system (and when this sympathetic nervous system is on overdrive, it can lead to increased anxiety). She also touts foods full of omega-3 fatty acids, like wild-caught salmon and sardines. “Omega-3 fatty acids for sure have the most research literature and evidence behind them for supporting brains in kids and adults,” Beurkens explains. To reference a couple, one study shows that omega-3 fats can decrease stress1, and another demonstrates that diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help promote a healthy emotional balance and positive mood.  Although, there isn’t one magic number when it comes to how long you should sleep. “Many adults are not getting the sleep that they need,” she adds. “Some adults can do fine with six and a half, seven hours; some need more than that. What’s important is that we’re getting an amount that allows us to feel and function at our best,” says Beurkens. (And see here for our master list of sleep tips.)  “So from a mental health standpoint, movement is critical—when we’re too sedentary, that’s a problem,” says Beurkens. However, there is such a thing as too much at the wrong time: Say, for instance, if you exercise right before bed, you might find that you’re way too worked up to wind yourself down and fall asleep at a reasonable hour (which, as we noted above, can harp on your mental health over time). “So good amounts of activity during daytime hours—that’s what we’re aiming for,” says Beurkens. “We cannot control the uncertainty side of the scale, which is why saying, ‘Oh, don’t worry about that,’ or, ‘It will be OK,’” doesn’t work—because we know it’s not true," she explains. “We can’t control the uncertainty. What we can control is focusing on the other part of the equation: our belief and confidence in ourselves of being able to handle it.”  Rather than telling yourself that it will be OK, say to yourself: “You will be able to handle whatever happens because here’s what you’ve already handled. Here’s how you have previously handled a situation like that.” By giving yourself these concrete examples, you essentially have evidence that you are going to get through whatever situation you’re dealing with. “That focus is really what helps us support our mental health in the big picture,” says Beurkens. 

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