Of course, depending on what you believe and how you relate to spirituality, another way of thinking about old souls is the idea that we’re all perhaps different incarnations of universal life force, and those old souls are simply tapped into that wisdom on a deeper level (and from an earlier age) during that lifetime. As spiritual guide and author of Sacred Landscapes of the Soul, Karen Brailsford tells mbg, “I believe there’s a timelessness or eternality we all have access to—this innate wisdom and core truth. In some ways, one might say we’re all old souls, and maybe in different lifetimes we’re exploring different aspects of that.” She adds that old souls come into this life with an agenda to experience and complete karma, while new souls “want to make form out of light,” and “experience what it’s like to be a being in a body.” As such, the new souls’ experience is a bit more lighthearted, where being an old soul can feel heavy. But in addition to that, because the old soul comes to this life with more experience and understanding, they’re able to handle obstacles and challenges with greater clarity. And going back to Brailsford’s point, it comes down to what the new versus old soul is experiencing in this life. A new soul “wants to be fresh and new and maybe have a more hedonistic lifestyle,” while an old soul “wants to go into the depths and learn.” Old souls may also feel somewhat isolated, as they can see through much of the illusion and separation in modern culture. Another way to look at it is to consider that we all had these traits once upon a time, until society told us otherwise. “We come into this world fully aware and awakened,” Brailsford says. “It’s often society, our parents, and culture that makes us forget. The journey becomes about unlearning these things.” Other explanations would include things like a high degree of empathy or intuition, making one more tuned in to the bigger picture and their sense of being. Children who have dealt with trauma may also exhibit traits of old souls, as adverse childhood experiences forced them to grow up faster than their peers. “Surrounding yourself with people who are like-minded, in terms of being aware and open, is really supportive,” Brailsford notes. And in addition to that, she emphasizes the importance of striking a balance between wisdom and lightheartedness. “Take delight in synchronicity and coincidence, and bring a playful energy to life,” she says. “I think that helps one thrive—being lighthearted about it all. Hold the space of contemplation and deep thought, and also hold the space of levity and playfulness.” And of course, given an old soul’s rebellious nature, it will be imperative for them to figure out a lifestyle that feels fulfilling and supportive. As Merzon notes, “I believe an old soul has the ability to claim themselves more fully. They want to tailor their life and experiences to something that really resonates with them in present time.”

Are You An Old Soul  11 Signs   What It Really Means - 11Are You An Old Soul  11 Signs   What It Really Means - 78Are You An Old Soul  11 Signs   What It Really Means - 42