Money tends to be at the core of a lot of stress—and that stress can trickle into other areas of our lives, affecting things like sleep, anxiety levels, and food choices. Maintaining a good relationship with our finances is a critical piece of the well-being puzzle. I learned that firsthand in the early days of mindbodygreen. As with any new business, it took some time to get our footing financially, and that caused a lot of anxiety and marital stress. Looking back, I wonder what kind of difference it would have made if we had had access to certain tools. It would have been a game-changer to know about Facet Wealth back then—aka the money therapist we wish we had. But I’ve also found myself surprised about the little details that have come to the surface through this service. There have been basic realizations surrounding financial hygiene that, frankly, I haven’t kept up with at the right pace. My 401(k) from my first job is still in my maiden name and not my legal name. I hadn’t yet thought of basic benefits and company-sponsored programs that we could have taken advantage of—like HSAs. As we all know, the wellness life covers a lot of terrain; things fall through the cracks. But my financial planner helps me pick up pieces that may have otherwise been left behind. I’ve always been a huge believer in the importance of finances within the bigger picture of well-being. While I may not need help with the accountability behind cooking, strength training, or sleep hygiene, financial well-being is one area of wellness where I am not necessarily in my element. I’ve learned the importance of turning to a resource, like Facet Wealth, to help me navigate. We, as a family, will now be checking in quarterly on our big goals and taking advantage of more programs that are available to us. Working with Facet Wealth, I’m reminded of something that I learned a long time ago: Wellness will always be better when shared. Find out more about your financial wellness with this quiz from Facet Wealth.

As A CEO   Mom Of Two  Here s Why I Started Working With A Financial Planner - 2As A CEO   Mom Of Two  Here s Why I Started Working With A Financial Planner - 21As A CEO   Mom Of Two  Here s Why I Started Working With A Financial Planner - 35As A CEO   Mom Of Two  Here s Why I Started Working With A Financial Planner - 23As A CEO   Mom Of Two  Here s Why I Started Working With A Financial Planner - 11