That’s why it’s important to get rid of any negative energy your crystal has accumulated as needed. “It needs to be refueled, just like our energy needs to be refueled by sleeping every night,” Quinn adds. Part of charging your crystal is clearing its energetic slate—hence why some people refer to charging crystals as “clearing” them. From there, it’s about filling your crystal back up, often with grounding energy that comes from places in nature: the moon, the soil, water, etc. “I think building an intuitive relationship is really important because there’s an intimacy with your crystals,” she says, adding that it’s all about “empowering yourself to have that unique relationship.” No charging method is better than another. Just be mindful of your specific crystal and whether it does OK in water or salt, as some will not take well to those. (More on that later.) All you have to do is “place the crystal outside on the ground, overnight on the night of the full moon, to charge it with lunar energy,” Ashley Leavy, founder and educational director of the Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy previously told mbg. Even a windowsill inside that gets moonlight will do! “Bury the crystal in the soil within the pot or jar. Then, lower the pot into the hole and cover it with the remaining soil. Mark your crystal with a flag or some other marker, and leave the stone buried for at least one week.” This will help charge your stone with the powerful properties of the ground it came from. “See the light expand until it surrounds the stone and fills your hands. Intend that all negativity be removed from the stone and dissolved,” she instructs. “When you intuitively feel that the stone has been cleared, you may stop the visualization.” With that being said, you definitely want to give a new crystal a good clearing when you first get it. And from there, it’s about gauging how much you’ve been using it, whether it’s been exposed to negative energy, and so on. It’s certainly never a bad idea to give it a quick charge after you’ve been using it often.

How To Charge Your Crystals  9 Methods   Tips  From Experts - 75How To Charge Your Crystals  9 Methods   Tips  From Experts - 92How To Charge Your Crystals  9 Methods   Tips  From Experts - 75