Think of them as divine life coaches: Once you start to get to know your guardian angels, it will become much easier to sense their presence and recognize when they send you guidance. And the best way to get to know your guardian angels is by simply interacting with them. Here are four tips to get you started: If no name comes, it might be that your guardian angels are inviting you to name them yourself. Pick names that make you feel cherished and protected every time you think of them. You’ll know you’ve come up with a good one if thinking of it or saying it aloud makes you feel warm and peaceful, gives you chills, or brings a smile to your face. Write down the names of your guardian angels and call them by name when you ask them for comfort or guidance. Using our guardian angels’ names should help us stay more connected to them and make them seem more real to us. Then, for the next week, keep your eyes—your physical eyes and your metaphysical third eye—peeled for a sign from your guardian angels. This could come in the form of a prophetic dream, an unexpected romantic or business opportunity, a new relationship, or a refreshed perspective on a recurring situation. Sometimes the message lives in your association with the song or artist, and other times the message is in the lyrics. When you dedicate a song to your guardian angels, this song becomes their calling card. It will play on the radio whenever your angels want to remind you of their constant presence. You should pick a song that makes you feel comforted, safe, and loved. Mine is Chrissie Hynde’s “I’ll Stand by You,” and I think the lyrics perfectly describe a guardian angel’s love and devotion. Your guardian angels know everything about you, so they are already aware of this situation, but by sharing it with them in your journal, you are using your free will to ask them for help. Go ahead and end by saying, “Guardian Angels, please help me with this in any way you can.” Then watch for their guidance. It could come as insightful thoughts about how to handle the matter; intuitive guidance like gut feelings, strong knowings, visions, or an angel’s voice in your mind; or new opportunities and people suddenly entering your life who were sent by your angels. When this guidance comes, be sure to go back to your journal and record it, or simply tell your angels “thank you” in your thoughts.

How To Get To Know Your Guardian Angels   Unlock Their Power - 74How To Get To Know Your Guardian Angels   Unlock Their Power - 35How To Get To Know Your Guardian Angels   Unlock Their Power - 86