Due to a variety of factors, the vast majority of people only know how to access orgasmic energy when their genitals are being stimulated, with some requiring greater levels of stimulation than others to get to that place of energetic expansion and flow. (For some it is still frustratingly difficult to access orgasmic energy even with physical stimulation, possibly because the mind is stubbornly clinging on too tightly. This could be due to past traumas, feeling unsafe in one’s body, the presence of physical pain, negative social conditioning or shame around sexual pleasure, unhelpful belief systems or patterns regarding one’s sexuality, or any number of challenges.)  An energy orgasm can also be called a “mind-gasm” because you only have to “let go” of your mind in a particular way to allow the power of this orgasmic flow to come through. You could say that most people may only “let” themselves access it during genital stimulation, but once you know it’s possible to connect with this energy without direct physical contact, it becomes vastly more available to you. Try it yourself: It might be easier for some people to connect with this free flow of erotic energy if you’re with a partner, but you can also be blissfully immersed in your own self-pleasure practice, with or without genital touch. It can be such a profound and empowering aspect of connecting with your own innate sensuality.  Here are the steps: The first time I had “energy sex” with a partner, I was amazed that I wasn’t even being penetrated physically, but I felt like I was. Through my partner and me using our awareness and intention, the energy pulsing through me felt the same as when he’d be physically inside me. We simulated all the same kinds of movements, breathing, and sounds that would happen with intercourse, and the energy followed right along into wave after wave of orgasm. He even had his own energetic “release” at the end too! This practice can also be immensely sexually awakening for some, connecting you with latent desires and visions, an arousing of your erotic power surging inside you, a level of orgasmic potential that has never fully been tapped, and dimensions of emotional and spiritual depth or subtlety that might be quite beyond description. Leslie is a Source Tantra Certified Tantra Educator Level 2 and has completed the International School of Temple Arts’ Levels 1-2, as well as a private mentorship with world-renowned tantra coach and healer Triambika MaVive. She has studied classical tantra in both the Kashmir Shaivist and Vajrayana Buddhist traditions and continues deepening in her own spiritual and sexual healing path. Her understanding of the healing power of tantra and the mind-body connection is also informed by her background in biopsychology and nursing, the Hakomi Institute’s Comprehensive Training in Somatic Psychotherapy, The Somatica Method of sex therapy and relationship coaching, and the Shamanic Medicine path. She is a trained transformational guide working with various shamanic tools including expanded states of consciousness to bring about healing and liberation on the deepest levels. After working for years as a registered nurse in hospice and end-of-life care, she came to the realization that life is indeed quite precious and short and felt a calling to help people become more fully alive through awakening their sexuality and connecting it with the wisdom of the heart. She is deeply devoted to helping men and women liberate their sexual energy and align themselves with love in order to be the most powerful force of change on the planet they can be. Stay connected with Leslie and the happenings at Ritual Tantra! Head to www.ritualtantra.com to receive her “Key Principles for Outrageous Tantric Lovemaking.”

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