The documentary, which was released on Netflix in late March, shines a light on the fishing industry’s many dark sides: Overfishing, plastic pollution, inaccurate labeling, and human rights abuses are all covered within the 90-minute flick. For starters, giving up seafood is not an option for everyone: “To opt for vegetarianism and veganism is a very respectable position, and it may (have to) become a majority decision in the coming years,” Daniel Pauly, Ph.D., an acclaimed fisheries biologist, writes of Seaspiracy on Vox. “But right now, this is a position that only a small fraction of the population of wealthier countries will take.” On the other hand, many people living in developing coastal towns depend on the sea for their livelihood. Fishing also holds spiritual value for Indigenous populations around the world. Asking these communities to stop fishing is unrealistic, not to mention culturally insensitive. Instead of criticizing these smaller-scale fisheries, we should be learning from them. “You really can’t talk about global seafood without taking the time to understand that small-scale fisheries are so critically important,” Gabrielle Lout, M.A., a marine advocate and Ph.D. candidate in conservation at Arizona State University, tells mbg. According to the United Nations, around 90% of the 35 million fishers worldwide operate on a small scale: Unlike the huge operations depicted in Seaspiracy, they use relatively low-tech methods to catch fish close to shore. When done strategically—with an understanding of how many fish need to stay in the water to keep that ecosystem healthy and thriving—small-scale fishing is “sustainable” in the most basic sense: It can be sustained into the future without causing environmental damage. “[The movie] made the point that there’s no such thing as sustainable fishing, but sustainable fishing actually exists,” De’Marcus Robinson, an ocean sciences Ph.D. candidate at UCLA, tells mbg. The question is whether it’s possible to feed the planet using these small-scale principles, or if fishing on a massive scale will always require cutting corners. Robinson thinks there’s a way. But, he tells me, “you have to change the system.” On the bright side, if enough people did so, it would ease pressure on our severely overtaxed oceans and reduce the rate of overfishing, giving marine ecosystems time to recover. On the other hand, it might not be the most sustainable diet option purely from an emissions standpoint, depending on what you replace that fish with. (A burger will almost always have a higher carbon footprint than a plate of fish, for example.) It also puts fishing industry jobs in jeopardy and potentially has a negative impact on coastal communities. As you can see, there are trade-offs, always. Ultimately, being a sustainable consumer is sometimes less about cutting out what you don’t want and more about supporting what you do. Here are six ways anyone can vote for the seafood industry they want to see: California, Alaska, and British Columbia have particularly strict laws on fishing yields, so those in North America can look out for fish from these areas. Look into: Sea Tales salmon (Alaska), Skipper Otto (Canada) Look into: Scout canned seafood, Patagonia Provisions, Bela Once you’ve found a company that you like, stick with them. “Sustainable fisheries are so valuable. People should really support them the same way that they support small businesses, artisanal coffee, artisanal chocolate, etc.,” Lout says. To support better policy, look into where your local and national politicians stand on ocean conservation (would they support a Blue New Deal?), volunteer with NGOs in your area pushing for change, and stay informed and vocal about any new water policies in your area. “The solution doesn’t come from people,” says Robinson. “The solution comes from the policies and the governance.” When paired with strong enforcement, designations like Marine Protected Areas will ensure that generations to come have a World Ocean Day worth celebrating. Emma received her B.A. in Environmental Science & Policy with a specialty in environmental communications from Duke University. In addition to penning over 1,000 mbg articles on topics from the water crisis in California to the rise of urban beekeeping, her work has appeared on Grist, Bloomberg News, Bustle, and Forbes. She’s spoken about the intersection of self-care and sustainability on podcasts and live events alongside environmental thought leaders like Marci Zaroff, Gay Browne, and Summer Rayne Oakes.

How To Support The Sustainable Seafood Industry  Yes  It Exists  - 36How To Support The Sustainable Seafood Industry  Yes  It Exists  - 98How To Support The Sustainable Seafood Industry  Yes  It Exists  - 46