That’s how I stumbled upon love rituals, perhaps consequently met my husband, and gained a reputation as a bit of an amor guru. I watched as several clients who had never even dated before got married or entered a serious relationship with the person they met at the end of this ritual. When Sally came to me, I hadn’t done the love ritual for anyone in five years. As much as I wanted her to find what she was looking for, I also knew how much of a commitment this process would be for the both of us. The thing about this formula is that it only works if you are committed to every step of the process. If you don’t feel like changing your bedroom to amplify the feng shui, or if you know your determination is going to fade before 40 days (the time it takes to reprogram the brain away from negative patterns), you may as well not do it at all. So I asked Sally if she was truly prepared to embark on this journey. “I had just gotten out of a fling with a friend,” she recalled. “And I felt like, ‘I’m done with flings. I don’t want to date anymore. I don’t want to fuck around. I want the lifelong, soulmate kind of relationship. I’m ready.’” I could feel in her energy that she was speaking her truth. That night was the new moon and the perfect start to our journey. With the sun setting, she only had a few hours to get everything prepped. I handed her a list of things she’d need for her journey. Her whole room was decorated in a dark grays and black—not exactly the most heart-opening and “love-attracting” color scheme. Lighter, more vibrant shades like pink and red are what tends to attract abundance and the soft, soothing energy of love into the space, according to feng shui. All of Sally’s art that featured one woman alone would have to be substituted for art that portrayed loving partnerships. And, of course, an infusion of rose quartz was needed to bring a little universal love into the space. After she spiritually cleansed her mattress, Sally was finally ready to take her new moon bath and mark the beginning of her ritual. Lo and behold, on Day 36, she found that lifelong, soul mate kind of love she’d been looking for. When she met her boyfriend at an art space, he asked her to meet him at a party the next night. Unable to go, Sally told her roommate, who was going to give him her number. Her roommate found him at the party, told him of Sally’s interest, but drunkenly forgot to give him the number. Just before leaving the party, he remembered he hadn’t gotten Sally’s number. He wrote his own number on a business card and gave it to her roommate to pass along. “Knowing how drunk my roommate was, I couldn’t believe it even made it back to me,” Sally said. It’s like it was meant to be! But don’t take my word for it. Try the Aphrodite Bath for yourself and see if you feel your heart chakra open right up.

Spiritual Rituals For Love  Try This Crystal Infused Bath - 12Spiritual Rituals For Love  Try This Crystal Infused Bath - 3Spiritual Rituals For Love  Try This Crystal Infused Bath - 25