Each of these signs has a corresponding element (fire, earth, water, or air), modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable), polarity (yin or yang), symbol, archetype, house, ruling planet, and more. When you understand all these little details about the things that make a sign what it is, understanding all 12 becomes that much easier. In terms of the history of the signs, the AstroTwins previously wrote for mbg that the Sumerians noted the journeys of planets and stars as far back as 6000 B.C. Then, around 3300 B.C. the Babylonians (aka the Chaldeans), began expanding upon what the Sumerians started, developing the first astrological system over thousands of years. “They created the zodiac wheel that we use today (with planets and houses) around 700 B.C. The oldest known horoscope chart is believed to date to 409 B.C.,” the twins add. Here’s what to know about the signs as they exist today: “Aries have courage, and they also have this heart-tugging innocence and wonder about them. They have an innocent quality about them—however, they are known to be pretty impulsive,” she explains. “Tauruses have strength of purpose,” she tells mbg, adding that these folks are very patient, steadfast, and loyal. They can, however, be extremely stubborn, thanks to their fixed-earth quality, she adds. Geminis are versatile and mentally alert, she says, “as in they’re smart, very smart—they’re very quick to perceive things with wonderful deductive reasoning.” They do, however, have a hard time settling down and relaxing, she adds. “They are tender, sensitive, caring, and extremely cautious,” she notes, adding that they can also, however, be melancholy and even a bit possessive. “They are warm, noble, loyal, and natural leaders,” she says, noting that she finds Leos have big (and protective) hearts. “One thing they can work on,” she adds, “is they can be vain or a little bossy.” She explains that this sign is practical, self-aware, tasteful, and courteous. “I think they’re really true to themselves and others, and they love being of service,” she says, adding, “In their negative forms, of course, they’re critical and can be really pessimistic and faultfinding.” She adds that Libras are intelligent, charming, and concerned with equality and fairness. For the most part, she says, they tend to be emotionally balanced, though they can be indecisive—and when it comes to issues of justice, their nonconfrontational nature can quickly become argumentative. She notes that these folks have incredible willpower and are incredibly magnetic. “They have a lot of self-control, and I find them also to be very loyal,” she says. However, expressed in their negative forms, Roby Antila says Scorpios can become ruthless and vengeful. She adds that these folks are optimistic, enthusiastic, cheerful, logical, and honest almost to a fault. “Sometimes they can be a little rude and lack tact,” she says, adding they can also be reckless or careless and/or emotionally confused. She notes that she considers this sign to be determined, dependable, stable, and naturally wise, though they do have a tendency to be overly ambitious and even narrow-minded. “They’re inventive, original, and are true visionary geniuses,” she explains, adding that Aquariuses are always 10 steps ahead. Sometimes, though, their eccentricity can become neurotic, she notes, adding that this sign is also known to be aloof, absent-minded, and sometimes stubborn. These folks are compassionate, sensitive, and some of the most psychic people in the zodiac, she says, adding they can be extremely healing and philosophical. They can, however, be taken advantage of if they’re not careful and must be mindful not to get steamrollered by others all the time, Roby Antila says.

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