Although many people associate the flowering plant Urtica dioica, commonly known as nettle, with the painful sting that results after brushing up against leaves of the plant, it is actually one of the most extraordinary herbs I’ve come to know. Breaking nettle’s nutrient content1 down further, this low-calorie leafy herb contains carbs (mostly fiber and little to no sugar), protein (including several essential amino acids), and fat. When I say fat, I’m talking about healthy fats, namely omega-9 oleic acid, omega-6 linoleic acid, and omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid.  When we look at nettle’s micronutrient profile3, we find nettle is chock full of vitamin A (beta-carotene) and also delivers calcium, iron, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, sodium, and magnesium amongst others.  Additionally, this mighty green herb boasts an array of other bioactives2, including terpenoids, carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin, in addition to beta-carotene), tannins, chlorophyll, sterols, betaine, and choline. For my family and me personally, nettle is a go-to herb. Dating back to ancient times, nettle has traditionally been used as a diuretic (e.g., ease swelling by helping remove excess fluid) and laxative. Although studies are lacking to support these benefits in humans, I can personally attest to nettle’s anecdotal ability to help me with swelling. My husband and daughter, both of whom suffer from seasonal allergies, lean on nettles for their antihistamine properties. Indeed, nettles are the single best-seller at my Brooklyn herb shop, Remedies, in April and May, and again in September and October, when allergies are at their worst for many people. Although research is in its early stages (i.e., conducted in animal models like rodents), nettles is considered a promising herbal strategy for helping to prevent and manage kidney stones6. And last but not least, the strongest evidence from clinical (human) studies demonstrates nettle’s ability to significantly lower blood glucose levels, particularly in individuals with metabolic health issues like type 2 diabetes. This effect of nettle was clearly shown in a 2020 systematic review and meta-analysis7 in the journal Phytotherapy Research. You’ll find the flavor to be very green and full of minerals. Once you try it, you’ll know what I mean. You will be amazed at the difference nettles will make to your morning (or anytime of the day) and well-being. Enjoy!

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