So what am I drinking? Bone broth. And here’s everything you need to know. In my clinical experience, bone broth reverses signs of aging better than any powder, pill, or serum. And unlike expensive creams and prescription medications, bone broth costs next to nothing. Finally, think about this: How many amazing anti-aging treatments can you make in your own kitchen from stuff you’d usually throw away? (It’s the ultimate recycling project!) So give it a try, and see what happens. I drink at least one cup of bone broth every day, and that’s the same healthy aging prescription I give my patients, too. If you need help managing healthy weight, try adding in one or two bone broth “micro-fasts” each week. Within days, you’ll start to feel a difference—and within weeks, you’ll start to look it too. A weight-loss and natural anti-aging expert, Petrucci is a concierge doctor for celebrities in New York City and Los Angeles. She is a board-certified naturopathic physician and a certified nutrition consultant. Dr. Petrucci attended Temple University and St. Joseph’s University before doing postgraduate work in Europe, studying naturopathic medicine in England and Switzerland. She is one of the few practitioners in the United States certified in biological medicine by the esteemed Dr. Thomas Rau of the Paracelsus Klinik Lustmuhle in Switzerland. Petrucci is a weekly contributor on Dr. Oz and appears regularly on Good Morning America and other national news programs. As the driving force behind the popular website Currently, Petrucci is focusing much of her attention on developing innovative beauty- and food-based products.

The Healthy Aging Properties Of Bone Broth   An Easy Recipe - 68The Healthy Aging Properties Of Bone Broth   An Easy Recipe - 43The Healthy Aging Properties Of Bone Broth   An Easy Recipe - 97