This card calls on the subject to be adaptable as they navigate these changes, Vanderveldt adds, and stay centered all the while. “When this card comes up, it’s a good time to ask yourself: How do you want to respond (to the good, bad, and everything in between)?” she says. It’s also a very expansive card, and it reminds us that our thoughts and actions can reverberate. “How we harness the energy of the Wheel through our choices and mindset makes all the difference,” Vanderveldt adds. “If you can stay at the center of your own wheel—i.e., stay in alignment with who you are and what you want for your love life—you’re much less likely to be rattled around by the ever-shifting state of outside circumstances,” she explains. Having that steadiness, she adds, will help you see the situation more clearly, so you can respond as needed.  But generally, if you pull the Wheel of Fortune in reverse in a reading about love, Vanderveldt says a new cycle could already be underway. Perhaps you’re resisting that change in some way, “but that resistance is just another way you’re being pulled from your center,” she says. Consider how you can anchor yourself during this time so you make wise choices in love you’re proud of, she suggests. While the Wheel of Fortune is an expansive card, “expansion is neutral,” she says, adding, “it can be taken in a positive or negative direction depending on what we’re expanding.” No matter what, Vanderveldt says to remember that you control how big a success or a misstep becomes in your world by the way you react to it, accept it, and adapt to it. Ask yourself what you’d like to do differently this time, and consider what you can control (whether that’s how you save, spend, prepare for a new position, or the type of job you take or don’t take, she adds). “Focus on making adjustments there that feel right (if not easy) to you.” “[This card] is a lesson in how to stay centered within yourself so you can roll along with more ease—something we’re continually learning,” Vanderveldt adds.

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