As for when to rub in said hand cream? Well, you have a rather tight window—but you do have some leeway. Below, a derm explains exactly when to butter up those paws. Derms generally recommend applying your cream ASAP, but according to board-certified dermatologist Whitney Bowe, M.D., any time under two minutes can lock in the moisture—just don’t put it off any longer than that. “If you wait too long, you miss that narrow window of opportunity to really trap and seal those nourishing ingredients in the skin before all the water evaporates off the surface, further compromising your skin,” she told us about caring for your skin microbiome. When that water evaporates (a concept known as transepidermal water loss1), it’ll leave your skin even drier than it was before—especially if you rinse with hot water, which evaporates faster.  The solution? Keep your hand cream close by. “I carry a hand moisturizer with me at all times and apply it within moments of washing or sanitizing my hands throughout the day,” says Bowe. That’s not to say you must only use hand cream when your paws are damp—if you live in a dry environment, work with your hands, or if they’re just overall rough and parched at the moment, a quality hand cream can help fill in the cracks and keep the skin supple.  In terms of which ingredients are best to restore those lipids, experts recommend selecting a formula with nourishing oils and butters rich in fatty acids. “Use a moisturizer on your hands with real, traditional fats. These moisturizers can foster the development of good bacteria,” board-certified family physician Cate Shanahan, M.D., tells us on the mindbodygreen podcast. “This is going to be the vegetables and the seed oils.” Think moringa seed oil, oat oil, and squalene, as well as shea butter to cushion the skin. 

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