Sign up for one of the Lexus Retreats in Motion programs, and you’ll be the first to hear how this star golfer uses all of her senses to get the perfect shot, how to cultivate a strong work ethic for success, as well as how she has remained driven and motivated during times of mental duress (which strikes a chord especially now, amid the pandemic). You’ll also learn how she prepared for her many, many tournaments and why creating a routine is essential. “It was all about creating an environment in my mind where I was ready. I didn’t have any clutter—I was just totally focused.” That includes day-of mental preparation, sure, but she also touches on the importance of nutrition, fitness, and sleep for optimal performance. Specifically, she stays away from refined sugar—she’s the self-anointed “sugar police” in her household—and focuses on eating a whole, balanced diet. “It’s almost like when you practice for a test, and people read 10 minutes before class,” she explains. “It doesn’t work that way.” And Sörenstam’s no crammer: “I think it gave me a little bit of an edge, knowing that I had done everything I could [to succeed].”  She chats about some of the greatest life lessons she’s translated into her life after golf, including commitment, confidence (“Golf has given me the confidence to be able to achieve,” she notes), extreme focus, and the power of believing in herself. But her one piece of advice to stand out in your field? “Live up to every single day,” she concludes. “I don’t mind putting in the hard work to get something done. I don’t mind getting my hands dirty or breaking a nail to do something. That’s what it takes.” If Sörenstam’s success has anything to show for it, it all certainly pays off. 

Why Mental Clarity Is The Key To Success  From A Former Professional Golfer - 79Why Mental Clarity Is The Key To Success  From A Former Professional Golfer - 70Why Mental Clarity Is The Key To Success  From A Former Professional Golfer - 42